
Metta Child is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and their families living in extreme poverty and/or very difficult circumstances. The foundation seeks to achieve its goal by providing financial, material and moral support to small-scale nonprofit projects and organizations with whom we are closely involved and with whom we share our knowledge.

What is Metta?

Metta is a Buddhist concept and means loving kindness, universal love.

The board consists of five members:

Chairman: Roland van Tulder
Secretary: Anne Boersma
Treasurer: Roland Engbers
General Board Member:  Ingrid Fijnheer (Organization & development)

Metta Child Foundation is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam (the Netherlands), under Chamber of Commerce number: 67521444.

All board members work on a voluntary basis. Metta Child Foundation was founded on December 20th, 2016.

The way we work

We are actively involved in the projects we support. We have a weekly contact with our current project, the Buddha’s Smile School in India.
We are volunteers ourselves and we work with volunteers who also wish to give their time and energy to this charity.

At least once a year we visit the project. In the last years  board members of Metta Child Foundation have visited the Buddha’s Smile School several times. Especially to see with their own eyes how the project develops and to make sure that our donations have been spent well.


We believe it is important that the projects we sponsor are sustainable. Together with the founder of the Buddha’s Smile School, we investigate how the school can become more self-sufficient; and can stand more on its own feet. This can be achieved by collaboration with phillanthropists and NGOs based in India. Supporting this is one of our main goals in the coming years.

Donors and supporters

Metta Child Foundation is financed by:
O Individuals and companies
O Wilde Geese Foundation
O Globewise

In addition, there are dedicated professionals and friends who have supported us on a voluntary basis with:

O The foundation of Metta Child Foundation: Notaries Houwing van Beek
O Development of our logo: Denise Krul
O Website development: Edith Vermeulen